Palermo: Rockslide hits three buildings on Salita Mulino Vittoria

Part of a rocky slope has fallen on some buildings in the area of via Altofonte in Palermo. The landslide affected three buildings in via Salita Mulino Vittoria. Last March there had already been a small detachment and once again, like in the night between Thursday and Friday (October 24th and 25th, 2024), the fire brigade intervened. This time, after the rains of the past few days, the mass of earth and rocks that fell was more significant. After securing the area, the rescue teams sent a report to the municipal offices to assess the situation of the mountain and prepare interventions for securing it. At the moment, the terraces of the houses on the mountain side are off-limits.
Palermo, frana parte di un costone roccioso: terra e massi su tre palazzine in via Salita Mulino Vittoria
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