Palermo Questura welcomes a group of foreign citizens, refugees or asylum seekers – THE VIDEO

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The police welcome young foreign refugees or international protection seekers on a visit. A large group from Agrigento, composed of about 70 people including operators and foreigners, visited the Police Headquarters in Palermo, specifically the Museum of Memory located in the premises of Sant’Elisabetta adjacent to the headquarters of the Mobile Squad.
The meeting marks the culmination of a series of visits to monuments of historical and architectural value in the city. “The cultural integration process in our land – say from the police headquarters – cannot but also pass through legality and the memory of many ‘ordinary heroes’ who, in the police uniform, lost their lives fighting against the oppression of the mafia. They have left an indelible trace and their sacrifice is now an inalienable heritage of our culture. Sharing it is a way to tell us, to open up, ultimately to welcome. This is why, by now, the Museum of Memory of the Police Headquarters in Palermo, a true ‘Pantheon of the Just,’ is one of the essential stops for those who want to know our history.”
La Questura di Palermo accoglie in visita un gruppo di cittadini stranieri, rifugiati o richiedenti protezione IL VIDEO
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