Palermo municipality refunds erroneously paid taxes.
The Palermo City Council approves resolutions that provide for off-budget debts of about 2.5 million. Some are in favor of companies that have paid taxes not due to an error by the municipal administration. Some increases had been ordered by the prefectural commissioner Maria Luisa Latella in 2012. However, the administration had maintained the increases from 2013 onwards. The payments made by the companies were declared illegitimate by the Constitutional Court in 2018. Yet the Municipality, up to now, has not returned the money to the private individuals. Among them is the company Alessi, which is to receive 1.6 million in advertising taxes paid and not due. With the approval of the resolution, private companies will be able to be paid. Other off-budget debts approved by the City Council refer to the non-payment of condominium debts.
Il Comune di Palermo restituisce tasse pagate, ma non dovute
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