Palermo: Misuse of PNRR Funds – 4 investigated, 165k euros seized

The recent investigation coordinated by the Sicilian section of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and carried out by the financial police of the provincial command of Palermo has uncovered the misuse of funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). This led to the seizure of €165,000 and the investigation of four individuals. The operation stemmed from an administrative check conducted by the economic and financial police unit of Palermo to verify the use of resources from the PNRR for four loans totaling around one million euros granted to two Palermo-based companies in the food and bar furnishings sector, owned by individuals associated with an international coffee shop brand. The funds were intended for the digital and ecological transition of SMEs with industrial vocation and their participation in international fairs. The investigation found that the suspects had used funds for unrelated expenses, invoiced costs at inflated prices, or for nonexistent operations. Additionally, one of the beneficiary companies had requested and partially received a higher contribution than entitled based on their actual qualifications.
Palermo, uso indebito dei fondi Pnrr: 4 indagati e sequestrati 165 mila euro
Sicilian news
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