Palermo Mayor Lagalla’s plea to Region: “Hire spouses of workers who died in Casteldaccia in local institutions”

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Hiring the relatives of workers who died in the workplace accident in Casteldaccia. After the bill deposited at the Ars by deputy Gaspare Vitrano (Forza Italia), the appeal to the Region comes from Roberto Lagalla, mayor of Palermo and the metropolitan city: “It is now the duty of the institutions – said Lagalla – to commit themselves to show concrete solidarity to the families of the victims. For this reason, I trust in the sensitivity of the president of the Region Schifani and the deputies of the Sicilian Regional Assembly so that a normative path can be found that can lead to the hiring in local authorities, in the absence of autonomous work, of the spouses of the deceased workers. In this perspective, the Municipality of Palermo is ready to provide its collaboration”.
Lagalla’s words are linked to the proposal, launched by the Giornale di Sicilia in recent days and taken up yesterday, Tuesday 14 May, by the president of the production activities commission of the Ars Gaspare Vitrano who presented a bill to apply to the family members of the workers who died in Casteldaccia the rules already in force for the family members of innocent victims of mafia. The bill, which consists of a single article, provides for extending the benefits already provided for by the 1999 law, also recalled this year for the protection of women victims of violence and their children.
In particular, it is foreseen that “the Region, local authorities, local health companies and the entities or institutes supervised by them are required, upon request, to hire in their roles, even in excess, for direct and personal call and with a qualification corresponding to the possessed degree, in the absence of autonomous work or dependent employment relationship, the surviving spouse, the surviving victim, the parents, the cohabiting partner and the children of the victims”.
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Palermo, l’appello del sindaco Lagalla alla Regione: «I coniugi dei lavoratori morti a Casteldaccia siano assunti negli enti locali»
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