Palermo girl who fell from balcony will be discharged, mother says “We will spend Christmas at home”

After months of immense fear and hospitalizations, the long-awaited day has arrived: the little girl who fell from a balcony in Palermo in July will be discharged. She will spend Christmas at home, surrounded by the love of those who have been waiting for her with open arms after the terrible accident last summer. Her mother, Evelin, has been updating everyone on the great progress that has gradually led her and her daughter out of the nightmare. The little girl, after months of hospitalization in Palermo, has been transferred to the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Palidoro, thirty kilometers from Rome, to be followed in her long rehabilitation process. Everyone in the Roccella area, where Evelin lives with her parents and her daughters, is waiting for them. Many have prayed for them, especially in the most difficult moments, such as the first days of hospitalization when the little girl was in a medicated coma. Two weeks later, the situation improved, and now the most important date is the one when she will reunite with her sisters.

La bimba caduta dal balcone a Palermo sarà dimessa, la mamma: «Trascorreremo il Natale a casa»

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