Palermo fire prevention ordinance: no fires or cigarettes near woods, cleaning areas, and limits on fireworks.

Preventive measures against the risk of fires in Palermo. Mayor Roberto Lagalla has signed an ordinance involving private individuals and public entities. Landowners in the municipal area must remove vegetation that could cause or spread fires by May 15. Special measures have been taken to protect the Eni and Sonatrach Raffineria Italiana deposits. In this case, interventions on adjacent lands must be carried out by May 1. It will be prohibited from May 15 to October 31 to “light fires to burn straw, clippings, and pruning remains.”

Smoking near wooded areas, “uncultivated lands with bushes, dry grass, stubble, and shrubs” is also prohibited. Targeted checks will concern “the use of fireworks on holidays and ceremonies” for which authorization is required. All citizens are asked to report fires to the 1515 number of the Forestry Corps, the Sicilian integrated regional operational room (800404040), firefighters, or law enforcement. In Bellolampo, given the experience of past years, Rap must ensure the implementation of monitoring and control plans to prevent fires and prepare emergency plans. Sanctions will be imposed on non-compliant individuals. Checks will be carried out by municipal police and other law enforcement agencies.

In the photo, the dramatic fire from last summer.

Divieto di accendere fuochi e sigarette vicino ai boschi, terreni da ripulire e limiti per i botti: l’ordinanza antincendio di Palermo

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