Palermo faces trial for Samir’s murder: “clear evidence”

The investigation has been closed and an immediate judgment decree has been issued for Aly Elabed Baguera, 32 years old, and his uncle Kamel Elabed, 61 years old, accused of killing Badr Boudjemai, also known as Samir (pictured), the 41-year-old Algerian waiter, married and father of two young children, who was shot three times on November 4th on Via Roma, in Palermo. The president of the Gip, Alfredo Montalto, accepting the request made by the prosecutors Vincenzo Amico and Ludovica D’Alessio, has scheduled the trial for the two Tunisians, who will have to appear in court on May 10th, facing a potential life sentence.

The immediate trial skips the preliminary hearing and can be requested when the evidence is clear and the investigation is completed within six months, which both the Prosecutor and the judge have confirmed to be the case in this situation. “We are evaluating all the documents,” says lawyer Salvino Caputo, who represents the two North Africans. According to the accusation, they allegedly killed Samir because he worked at a competing restaurant. The Algerian and the suspected killer were in competition to attract customers to their restaurants, leading to strong conflicts that may have been the motive for the murder.

A comprehensive report by Fabio Geraci is available in today’s edition of the Giornale di Sicilia in Palermo.

Palermo, due a giudizio per l’omicidio di Samir: «prove evidenti»

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