Palermo, Corini considers new moves: possible return to back three defense.

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«I will consider a change of formation». Eugenio Corini, coach of Palermo, had said this in a press conference after the home defeat against Venezia. The rosanero will use the break to reorganize their ideas and face the last 8 matches of the season in the best way possible.

They will return on April 1st, in an away game against Pisa. The Brescia-born coach could make tactical changes starting from the defense, the unit that is suffering the most (they have conceded 41 goals this season). The hypothesis is a return to a back three formation, with three central defenders who are positionally capable of providing more coverage in theory. One of them should be Fabio Lucioni, who has been absent since the seventeenth matchday and could return against the Tuscans. It is undeniable that his experience is missing in this Palermo team. Along with it, also his sense of positioning and temperament.

The new formations could be either a 3-5-2 or a 3-4-3. In the first case, it would be a return. Last year, Corini used it for 20 matches in the season, precisely from the seventeenth matchday until the end of the season. A change of clothes that was considered after a 0-0 draw against Como in the previous round, but in general after a series of unimpressive performances. It could happen again, but this time it would be a paradox.

Yes, because the management operated in the transfer market with the firm intention of building a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-3-1. The 3-5-2 solution, in fact, would (maybe) provide more coverage but at the same time would risk sacrificing the external midfielders. The two central midfielders should be Lund on the left (or Aurelio, further down in the hierarchy) and certainly Diakitè on the right. Up front, alongside Brunori, one of Mancuso, Soleri, or Di Mariano could play. The latter has already played in that role, even though it is not exactly his position.

More complicated, but possible, with this tactical solution, is to see the Palermo number 10 as a full-back, as the right fifth. At that point, the sacrificed player should be Diakitè, a player that Corini will hardly do without regardless of tactics.

With the 3-4-3, Corini would instead give up a midfielder, with two central midfielders like Gomes and Segre providing strength in the middle of the field and with Lund and Diakitè on the wings. For a more offensive solution, either Di Mariano or Di Francesco could play instead of Lund on the left. Up front, the solution would remain the same.

It should be noted that the wide midfielders, in both a 5-man or 4-man midfield, would have the task of playing wide and then returning to defend. In modern football, no one can afford to defend with just three at the back. Corini could give up the 4-2-3-1, which is very likely, and return to a more conservative 4-3-3. Without positioning Ranocchia behind the striker, but instead assigning him more midfielder tasks.

It is certain that something different will be seen starting from the away game against Pisa. A change of course is needed, and Corini is studying the moves to save the season and at least reach fifth place. The fourth place is already 6 points away.

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