Over 50,000 people affected by Lymphedema in Sicily: Conference in Palermo on innovative therapies.

The integration between phlebology and lymphology as a starting point to address some clinical issues, considering the patient as a whole and in relation to the environment around him. This is the goal of the Congress titled “Phlebolymphology up-date 2.0 – Sustainability and innovations”, scheduled from April 5 to 7, 2024 at the Urban Ecomuseum Mare Memoria Viva (via Messina Marine 14, Palermo). Congress Presidents, Mario Bellisi, director of the Phlebolymphology Unit of the Policlinico and Sif responsible for Sicily, and Edmondo Palmeri, vascular surgeon, expert in nutrition and health, and national Sif counselor.
In Sicily, the Policlinico Paolo Giaccone is recognized as a center of excellence for the treatment of lymphedema, a rare chronic condition that affects about 500,000 Italians, of which 50,000 are only in the island.
The event, organized by Lamb Events (Free Academy of Biological Medicine) on the occasion of the third Sif South Italy symposium and the tenth regional Sif congress in Sicily, will deepen topics related to Lymphology and Phlebology. The two disciplines, aimed at treating lymphedema (a chronic condition characterized by swelling due to lymph accumulation in tissues), are currently experiencing a period of profound innovation.
Supported by continuous technological stimuli, the progressive improvement of established procedures, and the development of new methodologies, they represent the “best practice” for managing phlebo-lymphological patients. “The conference aims to reflect and stimulate discussion on the various issues of phlebology, a discipline that is experiencing significant growth and that in Sicily, for about ten years now, has seen a growing interest, especially among young people, making the scientific society one of the most active in Italy,” comments Palmeri.
“Phlebology – adds Bellisi – should be understood as a holistic concept. With the term ‘phlebolymphological’ we mean the ability to manage venous or lymphatic problems in a 360-degree approach; therefore, from less invasive therapies and treatments to more invasive surgical ones.”
Linfedema, più di 50mila persone affette in Sicilia: a Palermo un convegno sulle terapie innovative
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