Open Arms trial in Palermo: Detainee guardian speaks out against “degrading treatment of migrants on board”
The article discusses the ongoing trial of Matteo Salvini, leader of the League and former minister of Interior, who is accused of kidnapping and abuse of power for delaying the disembarkation of migrants aboard the Open Arms ship in 2019. Mauro Palma, National Guarantor of Prisoners, testified as a civil witness and described the degrading conditions that the migrants were subjected to. Palma’s letter to Salvini and other ministers had highlighted the degrading treatment, but the Ministry of Interior responded by accusing Palma of acting to protect his own salary. The trial also sought to hear from actor Richard Gere, who could not attend due to film commitments. The prosecution requested revocation of his deposition, stating it was irrelevant and aimed at expediting the trial. The request was not granted, and the trial has been postponed until November 24th. Salvini left the courtroom without providing any statements.
Processo Open Arms a Palermo, il garante dei detenuti: «Trattamenti degradanti per i migranti a bordo»
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