Noise control in Palermo nightlife: fines up to 6,000 euros from public spaces to decibels.

In the past few hours, the extraordinary territory control services related to the safety protocol called High Impact have continued. Yesterday evening (October 24th), the joint services of different forces covered a wide stretch of the nightlife route, particularly via Spinuzza, Piazza Olivella, Via Bara all’Olivella and surrounding areas, Via Maqueda, Via Roma, Piazzetta Monteleone, Via dell’Orologio and Via Cavour, including the adjacent streets, all routes particularly frequented by bystanders and characterized by the presence of businesses with diverse commercial offers. The objective, as always, was to ensure a greater presence of law enforcement in the most frequented places and gathering points, in order to prevent and repress any form of illegality and criminality, through administrative checks, compliance with the regulations of the municipal nightlife, for the correct conduct of public entertainment and business activities. During the operations, several patrols from the State Police and the Carabinieri were deployed, each for their respective areas of jurisdiction. At the controlled commercial businesses, a total of 6 were reported for: irregularities regarding the occupation of public spaces, lack of acoustic equipment expertise, irregularities with Dehors, irregularities related to violations regarding music entertainment.
Dal suolo pubblico ai decibel, controlli a tappeto nella movida di Palermo: multe per 6 mila euro
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