New surgical technique in Sicily restores sensitivity to amputated limb, presented at InFormaMedica in Palermo

The article talks about Targeted Sensory Reinnervation (TSR), a new frontier in surgery for treating and preventing phantom limb pain by restoring the sense of touch and proprioception. The technique has been developed by plastic surgeon Alexander Gardetto and has been successfully used on over 55 patients in Europe. The procedure involves closing the interrupted circuit in the brain’s cortex caused by limb loss, allowing the brain to receive stimuli from the periphery. This has been particularly effective in patients with upper limb amputations, as it can help alleviate phantom limb pain and improve overall quality of life. The article also mentions an upcoming presentation of the technique at a medical clinic in Palermo, Italy.
Arriva in Sicilia la tecnica chirurgica che restituisce sensibilità all’arto amputato, la presentazione a InFormaMedica di Palermo
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