New legal proceedings against confiscation of assets belonging to detergent king Ferdico in Palermo

Another twist in the never-ending legal saga involving Giuseppe Ferdico, a Palermo entrepreneur who built an empire in the detergent distribution sector and has been prosecuted ten times. After his acquittal from the charge of external participation in a mafia association became final, his lawyers, Roberto Tricoli and Luigi Miceli, filed a motion for revocation against the multi-million euro confiscation of Ferdico’s assets. The Court of Appeals of Caltanissetta rejected it, but now the Cassation Court has annulled the decision, sending it back to the Nisseni second-degree judges. Ferdico’s legal odyssey began in September 2007 when, after three requests for dismissal and a forced indictment decided by the investigating judge, he was acquitted in first instance. The sentence was overturned on appeal with a conviction of 9 years and 4 months. The Cassation Court referred the case back to the Court of Appeals, which acquitted Ferdico once again. The acquittal is now final.
Parallel to the criminal trial against the defendant, a prevention procedure took place in 2021 that led to the confiscation of his assets. The court had evidence that Ferdico was linked to the mafia and had laundered money for Cosa Nostra. But in light of the final acquittal from the charge of external participation, Ferdico’s Palermo merchant lawyers proposed a revocation. After the initial rejection by the Caltanissetta Court of Appeals, the Cassation Court has now annulled the decision and referred it back. “In the end, the strength of the law and truth will prevail, Mr. Ferdico has never been a colluding entrepreneur,” commented lawyers Roberto Tricoli and Luigi Miceli.
Palermo, nuovo processo contro la confisca dei beni al re dei detersivi Ferdico
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