New clash between Schifani and Turano in the Sicilian Regional Assembly over the ranking of notice 7 – the obligation to hire is waived.

The Sicilian Regional Assembly has repealed a provision of the budget law that had revolutionized professional training by removing the obligation for entities to increase their hiring. However, yesterday’s vote is far from restoring peace in a sector where a war is taking place between large and small entities. These tensions are also causing a new clash between President Schifani and Assessor Mimmo Turano.
In mid-January, with two last-minute amendments approved during the night that led to the approval of the budget law, the obligation for entities to hire four executives and administrative staff on a permanent basis in every location (including peripheral ones) was introduced. In addition, the limit on the amount of funding each entity could obtain through regional funding calls was removed. In this case, a provision that protected small structures by guaranteeing them an annual budget was repealed.
According to unions and the majority of entities, the combination of these two provisions would have favored large organizations, as they are the only ones capable of covering the increased personnel costs. Yesterday, at Turano’s suggestion, the Regional Assembly repealed the obligation to hire.
Formazione, salta l’obbligo di assumere: all’Ars nuovo scontro fra Schifani e Turano sulla graduatoria dell’avviso 7
Sicilian news
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