Negotiations in Rome to save Sicilian Financial Company

The article explains that the regional government is taking steps to defend certain articles of the financial law from being challenged by the national government. In particular, they are focusing on protecting healthcare-related provisions such as bonuses for doctors working in small hospitals and increases in fees for residential care facilities. They are also trying to safeguard funding for the recapitalization of Airgest and Sicilia Digitale. The national government has only rejected two articles related to regional employee incentives and the transformation of Cefpas into a healthcare entity. The rest of the financial law and budget have passed the national government’s examination. Negotiations are now underway to save other at-risk provisions. Additionally, the article mentions the start of the process to stabilize 3,700 temporary workers in the healthcare sector.
Trattativa a Roma per salvare la Finanziaria siciliana
Sicilian news
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