More vegetables and less deli meats: healthy lifestyles from childhood to prevent chronic diseases in adults, campaign by the Region of Sicily.

The article talks about the continuous campaign to promote correct lifestyles and interventions aimed at preventing non-communicable chronic diseases in Sicily. The focus is on involving other institutions, not necessarily related to the healthcare sector. The meeting discussed the importance of promoting the Mediterranean diet and healthy lifestyles, especially targeting youth and schools to combat chronic diseases. The event also featured the awarding of a student who designed the logo for a new program aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles. Various speakers highlighted the importance of the Mediterranean diet, physical activity, and education in preventing diseases such as diabetes and certain types of cancer. The article emphasizes the need for a shift towards preventive measures and health education, especially focusing on children to instill healthy habits from a young age.

Più verdure e meno salumi: stili di vita sani da bambini per evitare le malattie croniche da adulti, campagna della Regione Siciliana

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