Migrant dies at Palermo’s Civico hospital after hanging himself

A 30-year-old Ghanaian migrant took his own life during the night by hanging himself with a cable in the infectious diseases ward of the Civico Hospital in Palermo, where he was hospitalized in a single room due to tuberculosis. The body was found by health workers who tried to resuscitate him but without success. Police officers and a forensic doctor intervened. After inspecting the body, the public prosecutor ordered the return of the body to the family for the funeral.
“The patient was in isolation in the infectious diseases unit, in a decentralized room with small windows – says the hospital’s management -. A psychiatric condition with a risk of absconding had been reported, and during the hospital stay, he had absconded once to return after a few hours. He often cooperated but at times refused to take the therapy. A psychiatric consultation had been carried out on the evening of October 20: he was oppositional but not agitated. At 2:45, the nurse checked and the patient was sleeping peacefully.
After 40 minutes, she returned to the room and found him hanging with a monitoring cable from the oximeter. The management and all staff are close to the pain of the relatives.”
Si è impiccato con un cavo, morto un migrante all’ospedale Civico di Palermo
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