Mazara: Car does not stop at red light and crashes into another vehicle. Three injured, car stolen from Asp.
An incident occurred in Mazara del Vallo. Two young Tunisian nationals, aged 22 and 18, were driving a Lancia Y through the town when they failed to stop at a police checkpoint and crashed into another car carrying a woman and two children. The occupants of the other vehicle were injured. After the impact, the two occupants of the Lancia Y tried to flee but were immediately apprehended by the police. The carabinieri of Mazara del Vallo have charged the two with multiple offenses, including receiving stolen goods, resisting a public official, and fleeing the scene of an accident with injuries. The carabinieri investigated the car and found that it had been stolen from the animal health office of the Provincial Health Agency on November 16. On that occasion, two cars and fuel vouchers were stolen. On November 16, one of the stolen cars was found, and two other 22-year-old Tunisians were also charged with receiving stolen goods. The cars were returned to the Provincial Health Agency of Mazara del Vallo.
Mazara: non si ferma all’alt e si schianta contro un’altra vettura. Tre feriti, l’auto era stata rubata all’Asp
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