Man threw bike from Murazzi, injuring Palermo student, sentenced to 10 years

Ten years and 8 months in prison for attempted murder: this is the sentence imposed today on Victor Ulinici, 19 years old, accused of throwing an electric bike from the balustrade of the Murazzi del Po in Turin, seriously injuring Mauro Glorioso, a university student from Palermo. The incident took place in January 2023. The trial was conducted with an expedited procedure.

The defendant, who apologized for his actions, was granted general mitigating circumstances equivalent to aggravating circumstances. Three minors who were part of the group to which the boy belonged were also already convicted in the first instance.

“The most painful thing is that we have not seen any remorse from anyone. Otherwise, we respect the sentence,” said Giuseppe Glorioso, Mauro’s father who attended the reading of the sentence of one of the defendants.

“I hope the sentence serves as a warning to those young people who, on Saturday nights, thinking themselves invincible, make recklessly commit acts of this nature,” said the lawyer of the nineteen-year-old defendant, Luigi Tartaglino. Regarding the merits of the sentence, Tartaglino emphasizes “the importance” of granting general mitigating circumstances equivalent to aggravating circumstances: “It was right to take into account that my client was just eighteen at the time of the incident and, therefore, already an adult but not yet fully mature.” The lawyer also said he was “happy to shake hands with the student’s father, a person who is enduring immense pain with great dignity.”

Lanciò una bici dai Murazzi e ferì uno studente palermitano, condannato a 10 anni

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