Luxury travel investigation for migrants from Tunisia to Marsala: wanted man found in Agrigento and arrested

One of the suspects, 35-year-old Tunisian Kabil Ghribi, involved in a large-scale operation conducted by the Dda of Palermo on February 21st, has been located and arrested in Agrigento. Twelve individuals have been subject to arrest warrants issued by the judge of the Palermo court, Walter Turtorici. The investigation revealed a criminal organization that organized luxury trips on super fast rubber dinghies, for which clients paid up to 6,000 euros, from Tunisia to the coasts of Marsala. The arrests on February 21st were carried out by the police of Palermo and Trapani and the central operational service. One of the six Tunisians, all residing in Sicily, suspected of being the smugglers of these VIP trips, was not immediately found. The 35-year-old Kabil Ghribi was located in recent days in Agrigento by the police from the mobile squad of the city of the Temples, who brought him to the Pasquale Di Lorenzo prison.

L’inchiesta sui viaggi di lusso per migranti dalla Tunisia a Marsala: ricercato scovato ad Agrigento e arrestato

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