Literary encounters in Palermo and Alcamo: Intertwined narratives event started

The article talks about the upcoming event called “Narrative Intersections – Books, Music, and Tastings” that will take place in Alcamo and Palermo from May 10th until November 2024. The event, organized by the Association for the Arts, will include literary meetings on Fridays at the Collegio dei Gesuiti in Alcamo and on Saturdays at Villa Riso in Palermo. The schedule includes various authors and their books, with the addition of wine tastings and music performances. The event aims to promote and spread culture through literature, tastings, and music. The initiative is supported by the Sicilian Region and in collaboration with the School of Independent Cinema Piano Focale and the Zeste Hub Association in Palermo.

Sei incontri con gli scrittori: parte la Rassegna Intrecci narrativi con appuntamenti a Palermo e Alcamo

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