Lipari: Difficult ferry docking due to rough seas causes inconvenience for residents and tourists

Due to the heavy sea storms, docking at Lipari with ferries was banned, and they had to dock at Punta Scaliddi, but reaching this port was a real adventure. The dock and the Tenente Mariano Amendola street were invaded by the sea, causing difficulties and inconvenience for passengers, islanders, and tourists. There is a lot of controversy around this issue. The Mayor Riccardo Gullo stated that some safety interventions have already been carried out, but they are working on a strategic plan to prevent sporadic and uncoordinated interventions from failing during winter storms. They are also defining the assignment for the drafting of the port master plan. This situation has sparked debate and the need for a long-term solution to the port’s problems.

Lipari, attracchi difficili per gli aliscafi a causa delle mareggiate: disagi per residenti e turisti

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