Ligabue’s double show in Messina and beach photos: “Sicily, you are so beautiful!”

Ligabue, the Italian rockstar, recently performed two successful concerts in Messina, Sicily, at the PalaRescifina. He shared a photo on social media of himself enjoying the breathtaking scenery in Sicily, with the caption “Sicilia, quanto sei bella” (Sicily, how beautiful you are). The concerts marked the reopening of the PalaRescifina after a ten-year hiatus. Ligabue, 63 years old, performed for a total of 10,000 fans over two nights, without taking any breaks during the two-hour shows. He also took some time to relax in the city, enjoying the beach and savoring the typical Sicilian granita. The event was a huge success and marked the beginning of a new chapter for the venue, which will now host numerous events in the future.
Ligabue, doppia tappa a Messina e foto al mare: «Sicilia, quanto sei bella!»
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