Lentini: Marijuana greenhouse discovered in farmhouse, leading to arrest

The Carabinieri of the Lentini station and the helicopter squad of Sicily hunters arrested a 35-year-old criminal with the charge of drug production. During operations aimed at cracking down on drug trafficking, the military carried out home searches that led to the discovery of a rural cottage, owned by the man, transformed into a hi-tech greenhouse for the indoor cultivation of Indian hemp, with 79 flowering marijuana plants with an average height of about a meter and a half and a sophisticated irrigation, ventilation, and lighting system powered by electricity stolen from the public network. The seized drug, for subsequent laboratory tests, would have yielded around 300 thousand euros if placed on the market. The arrested person, after the formalities, was placed under house arrest in his home, as ordered by the judicial authority of Arethusa, and also reported for the theft of electricity.

Lentini, scoperta una serra di marijuana in un casolare: scatta un arresto

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