Lampedusa still sees arrivals: 38 Bangladeshis, Syrians, and Egyptians spotted and detained.

A group of 38 Bangladeshis, Syrians, and Egyptians were spotted and blocked at Cala Galera in Lampedusa. The carabinieri of the local station were the ones who noticed the group. The boat used for the crossing, likely starting from Libya, has not been found at the moment. Following them, the coast guard’s V836 boat intercepted and blocked another small boat with 49 Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Syrians, and Bangladeshis on board. There have been eight landings on Lampedusa since midnight, totaling 396 people arrived.

At the Imbriacola hotspot, there are currently 559 migrants. For this evening, the prefecture of Agrigento has ordered the transfer of 200 of them with the ferry that will arrive at dawn tomorrow in Porto Empedocle.

Ancora sbarchi a Lampedusa: avvistati e bloccati 38 tra bengalesi, siriani ed egiziani

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