Killer Card: Drug Drama Filmed in Catania and Los Angeles

The filming of the thriller, drama, and horror film “Killer Card,” directed by Giuseppe Di Blasi for HETHOL Productions, is nearing completion. The story revolves around Elisa and Luca, two young people who meet in a drug rehabilitation community. They fall deeply in love and get married, hoping to start a new life. However, a series of parallel stories and suspenseful situations unveil a shocking twist involving a mysterious character who triggers a chain of evil events. The film combines beautiful natural locations in Sicily with a dark and horrifying atmosphere. “Killer Card” aims to evoke strong and constant emotions, touching upon various social issues. The direction will guide the narrative with sudden plot twists, violence, suspense, terror, and horror. The film, set to release early next year, will target both the national and international markets, with English, Spanish, and Italian versions planned. The Catania Film Commission has played an important role in supporting the production.

Killer Card, il film sul dramma della droga girato tra Catania e Los Angeles

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