“Jennifer… il sogno” continues with performances in Catania after 30 years

For almost thirty years, actor and director Antonello De Rosa has been touring stages across Italy non-stop. He has become one with the character of Jennifer, from the play “Le cinque rose di Jennifer” by Annibale Ruccello. The story follows Jennifer, a romantic cross-dresser living in a neighborhood in Naples in the 1980s, waiting for a call from the engineer Franco, whom he loves. The play explores a range of emotions, from fear and loneliness to hope and comedy, as the protagonist navigates his dual identities. The production, titled “Jennifer… il sogno,” will be performed on December 28th and 29th at Sala Harpago, featuring Antonello De Rosa, Margherita Rago, and Simona Avallone. For more information and reservations, contact Scena Teatro Managemen at 095312918 or 3922710524, [email protected]
«Jennifer… il sogno», dopo trent’anni di repliche in scena anche a Catania
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