Idria awards given to firefighters in Catania, Ragusa and Palermo

Three teams of firefighters from the commands of Catania, Ragusa, and Palermo received the Idria 2023 award in Paternò. This recognition, now in its fifteenth edition, is given to individuals who have shown exceptional commitment to their country and institutions. The Catania provincial command was recognized for saving a man’s life by performing CPR during a house fire. The Ragusa command was awarded for a similar life-saving action on a rocky beach. The Palermo command was recognized for saving a man’s life near the Mondello beach. The awards were presented by the provincial commander of the Catania firefighters and a representative of the regional director of the Sicilian firefighters.

Premi Idria assegnati a vigili del fuoco di Catania, Ragusa e Palermo

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