Historic fountain in Vittoria destroyed by vandals, surveillance footage under review

The vandals destroyed the fountain in Piazza Giordano Bruno in Vittoria overnight, in the San Biagio neighborhood, the first nucleus of the city founded in 1607 by Vittoria Colonna. The 19th-century fountain was installed during the term of office of Rosario Cancellieri. The basin was split in two, and the four serpent-shaped supports were also destroyed. Some writings were left on the edges of the basin. The political world expressed unanimous outrage. Mayor Francesco Aiello was harsh in his response. “Isolated gang or criminal strategy?” Aiello asked in a Facebook post. He added, “Drug dealers and mixed gangs of Italians and immigrants are attacking in different areas. We appeal to the state authorities: Vittoria needs to address the issue of security.” All political forces expressed unanimous outrage. “I hope that the law enforcement agencies find answers soon and that if it is determined that there is criminal responsibility, there will be no forgiveness,” added Monia Cannata, councilor of Fratelli d’Italia. Mayor Aiello has called a press conference for tomorrow afternoon (January 2).

Some artisans have volunteered to restore the fountain. The police have obtained footage from the surveillance cameras in the area of Piazza Giordano Bruno. These are the cameras of the San Biagio church and some private residences. The forensic police have carried out the surveys, it seems that the criminals have knocked down the triton-shaped pillars of support, causing the basin to collapse. Some groups in the area allegedly set off firecrackers, but it is not certain if this is connected to the damage to the fountain.

Distrutta dai vandali una fontana storica a Vittoria, al setaccio le immagini della videosorveglianza

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