Healthcare investigation in Trapani, rigged ventilator contract during Covid.

The former director of the Asp of Trapani, Fabio Damiani, is involved in the Aspide investigation on the healthcare system in Trapani, conducted by the finance police. Damiani was already arrested in 2020 in the “Sorella Sanità” operation and is now under house arrest for obstructing the freedom of the contractor selection process. According to the accusations, Damiani, as the temporary general manager of the Asp, and the Asp official Giuseppa Messina, allegedly obstructed the administrative process of a contract for the supply of ventilators during the Covid emergency. Antonella Federico, under house arrest, is also accused of influencing the contractor selection process as an employee of Althea and the responsible for the order from the temporary business association Draeger-Althea-Meditech. The alleged actions took place between May 2019 and March 2020.
Inchiesta sulla sanità a Trapani, pilotato l’appalto per i ventilatori polmonari nel periodo del Covid
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