Ground consolidation needed at Muos di Niscemi due to hydrogeological issues

The article explains that due to hydrogeological issues caused by the morphology of the territory, the land where the Muos satellite system is installed in the American base in Niscemi should be consolidated. After years of tension, a dialogue was started among all parties involved, including the municipal administration, to address concerns raised about the health of citizens. However, the mayor of Niscemi has protested the lack of involvement in a recent meeting at the American base with the Undersecretary of Defense Matteo Perego, parliamentarian Stefania Craxi, and the regional Environment Assessor Elena Pagana. The article also highlights the concerns of citizens about the impact of the installation on their health, and the mayor calls for a serious discussion on monitoring electromagnetic pollution and conducting a general health screening of the population. Additionally, the mayor mentions the loss of value of the territory and the lack of improvement interventions in the social, health, and economic sectors, making the development of the community more burdensome.
Muos di Niscemi, il terreno necessita di un consolidamento per problemi idrogeologici
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