Full-time in elementary school: Palermo and Catania rank last in Italy

According to a new report by Save The Children, attending school in the afternoon for elementary school children in Palermo is almost impossible. Palermo ranks last in the national ranking for full-time access to school. The report highlights the access to full-time education in primary schools in eight Italian metropolitan cities is significantly lower than the national average of 38%. Palermo, Catania, and Reggio Calabria have the lowest rates. The report also reveals that nearly 3.8 million children and adolescents between the ages of 0 and 19 in Italy live in metropolitan areas, mostly in disadvantaged neighborhoods with limited spaces, resources, and opportunities for growth. The report emphasizes the disparity in access to suitable housing, education, and public spaces, which affects the well-being and education of children. Save The Children has launched a campaign called “Qui vivo” to raise awareness and advocate for quality education, sports activities, and safe spaces for children. The campaign aims to address the lack of resources by calling for initiatives such as schools open all day and libraries and gyms in all neighborhoods. Save The Children will also launch a long-term social innovation program called “Qui, un quartiere per crescere” in five deprived neighborhoods in Torino, Prato, Roma, Napoli, and Palermo. The program, spanning nine years, aims to improve the living conditions of children and adolescents in these areas. The campaign has received support from public figures and organizations, including actor Cesare Bocci and actress Francesca Chillemi. The week of awareness is supported by Rai for Sustainability-Esg, and the Lega Serie A has also shown support.

Tempo pieno nella scuola elementare: Palermo e Catania ultime in classifica in Italia

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