From opponent to ally of Lagalla, Ferrandelli’s leap to Palermo City Council

The city councilors of Palermo, Fabrizio Ferrandelli, who ran for mayor in the last elections, and Leonardo Canto, elected with the Azione con Calenda Ferrandelli Sindaco list, have decided to join the council group Lavoriamo per Palermo, the list of Mayor Roberto Lagalla which includes representatives of Italia Viva by Davide Faraone. This move will strengthen the council currently composed of Dario Chinnici, Antonino Abbate, and Giuseppe Mancuso, as well as Mayor Lagalla’s administrative and political action. There are also rumors of councilor Carmelo Miceli, with 2,103 votes for the Democratic Party, joining the same list. Tomorrow, the group “Lavoriamo per Palermo” will hold a press conference to announce the new council group members. After the upcoming European elections, Ferrandelli may also have the opportunity to join the municipal council as an assessor.
Da avversario ad alleato di Lagalla, il salto di Ferrandelli al Comune di Palermo
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