Free eye and dental screenings for 100 children in Cinisi

One hundred children from the first grade of the primary school of the comprehensive institute Gramsci in Cinisi were able to benefit from three mornings of eye and dental screening. Various visual defects and dental occlusions were identified, and it was emphasized that early intervention is crucial. The initiative was promoted by the Inner Wheel Terrae Sinus club and realized through a partnership with the local health authority, thanks to the availability of extraordinary commissioner Daniela Faraoni and doctors Egidio Gonzales, Dario Catalano, and Marzia De Giacomo. The doctors showed great empathy towards the young patients, making the screenings as non-traumatic as possible. The initiative was made special by the donation of gadgets by members of the Inner Wheel club. They expressed their happiness with the success of the initiative, highlighting the importance of preventive healthcare for children to avoid future medical costs. The next step will be to screen 3 and 4-year-olds, and the partnership with the local health authority will continue to focus on prevention. Gratitude was expressed to the doctors, nurses, teachers, and school principal for their enthusiastic collaboration.
Cinisi, screening oculistici e odontoiatrici gratuiti per 100 bambini
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