Food theft at Caritas and Agesci headquarters in Lentini.

A huge theft of food supplies occurred in the Caritas and Agesci “Lentini 2” headquarters of the Christ the King Church in Lentini, Italy, on Saturday night. The stolen goods were intended for the families in need supported by the church. Father Marco Scolla, the parish priest, reported the theft to the police when the scout leaders and Caritas officials arrived at their respective offices to organize their services. The thieves broke in through a door and entered the premises through a window, making off with food supplies and equipment used by the scout group. Among the stolen items were a generator, tents, and camping gear. Father Marco Scolla expressed his deep sadness and disappointment at the theft, stating that stealing such a large quantity of food meant for those in need was truly grave. The stolen scout equipment added further concern. An inventory of the stolen goods will be attached to the report filed with the police, the diocese, and the Food Bank.

Furto di generi alimentari nella sede di Caritas e Agesci a Lentini

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