Final preparations for the Danisinni nursery school: EU delegation to inspect work – VIDEO

The assessore for Education and School Construction of the Municipality of Palermo, Aristide Tamajo, welcomed a delegation from the European Commission-General Directorate for Regional and Urban Policy to check the progress of the construction of the Galante nursery school, funded by the FESR operational program. The 3 million euro project is nearly completed, and the Municipality plans to deliver the nursery and a family counseling center to the neighborhood and the city in a couple of weeks. Tamajo emphasizes the importance of the project for the community of Danisinni, believing that the nursery and counseling center can be key points for the community’s development.

Palermo, ultimi ritocchi all’asilo nido dei Danisinni: una delegazione Ue viene a controllare i lavori – VIDEO

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