Expropriation procedure initiated for Messina Strait bridge: Citizens have 60 days for observations.

Tomorrow (April 3), the notice of the initiation of the procedure for the imposition of the pre-ordered constraint on expropriation and declaration of public utility for the bridge over the Strait of Messina will be published in national and territorial newspapers in Sicily and Calabria. This will be confirmed with the approval of the final project of the bridge by Cipess. The publication is a consequence of the approval by the Board of Directors of the company of the update of the final project of the work, the submission of the design documents to the ministries and authorities, and the start of the technical conference.

For 60 days, starting from April 8, individuals whose properties are affected by the expropriation procedures for the bridge over the Strait will be able to seek assistance with technical staff, by appointment over the phone, and make their observations. This was announced by the Stretto di Messina company regarding the publication of the notice directed to those who will be expropriated.

Citizens interested will need to schedule an appointment at the following numbers and “Information Desks”:
Messina at the Palacultura Sala Rappazzo (ground floor) located at Viale Boccetta 373, Monday from 15:00 to 17:00; Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 excluding holidays;
Villa San Giovanni at the former premises of the Pretura located in Via Nazionale Bolano 541, Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00, Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 excluding holidays.

“In order to ensure the widest dissemination of information,” the company also explains, “the notice, accompanied by the parcel plan and the list of property owners, will also be published on the institutional websites of the Calabria Region, the Sicilian Region, and the Stretto di Messina, as well as posted on the registers of the municipalities affected by the implementation of the intervention. This intermediate phase, linked to the publication of the notice, will allow all interested parties to view the documentation related to the expropriation plan and make any observations. In this context, the Stretto di Messina company will open “Information Desks” in both Messina and Villa San Giovanni, in dedicated spaces provided by the respective municipalities, to provide the necessary support for the analysis of the documentation.”

Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, via alla procedura per gli espropri: i cittadini avranno 60 giorni di tempo per le osservazioni

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