Election day in Sicily: 37 municipalities voting, spotlight on Caltanissetta

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There are 37 Sicilian municipalities called to elect their administrative bodies in conjunction with the European elections. The voters called to the polls are 463,205 (out of over 4.6 million). In eight centers, the proportional system will be used, while in the remaining 29 municipalities, seats will be allocated using the majority system. Caltanissetta is the only provincial capital up for election, with 5 mayoral candidates. In some of the major municipalities up for election, both center-right and center-left parties support different candidates. The voting will take place on Saturday, June 8, from 3 pm to 11 pm, and on Sunday, June 9, from 7 am to 11 pm. The vote counting will begin on Monday at 2 pm. Many civic lists are supporting mayoral candidates, with many municipalities having candidates that cannot be classified as center-right or center-left.
In Gela (Caltanissetta), there are 5 candidates for mayor, with Grazia Cosentino supported by the center-right and Italia Viva, while the Democratic Party supports Giuseppe Di Stefano; former regional Pd deputy Miguel Donegani is also running, supported by a civic list. In Castelvetrano (Trapani), with seven mayoral candidates, incumbent Enzo Alfano is supported by the M5s but not by the PD, which supports Marco Campagna, while 6 center-right lists support Giovanni Lentini. In Mazara del Vallo (Trapani), incumbent Salvatore Quinci is running, supported by 5 lists including FdI, which has distanced itself from the center-right, which has nominated Vita Ippolito. Also running again is former president of the Regional Assembly and former mayor Nicola Cristaldi, a longstanding member of the Sicilian Right, supported by 4 lists.
In Corleone (Palermo), Pippo Cipriani runs again, supported by the M5s and the center-left, and incumbent Nicolò Nicolosi runs again, supported by parts of the center-right, while Fdi and Fi support candidate Walter Rà. In the province of Palermo, municipalities such as Bagheria, Bompietro, Borgetto, Cinisi, Corleone, Monreale, Palazzo Adriano, Roccamena, and San Mauro Castelverde are interested in the renewal of mayor and city council. In the province of Agrigento, municipalities like Alessandria della Rocca, Caltabellotta, Campobello di Licata, Naro, and Sant’Elisabetta are involved in the election. In the Nisseno province, Caltanissetta, Gela, and Sommatino are up for election. In the province of Catania, Aci Castello, Motta Sant’Anastasia, Ragalna, and Zafferana Etnea are participating. In Messina, municipalities such as Brolo, Condrò, Falcone, Forza D’Agrò, Leni, Longi, Mandanici, Oliveri, Rometta, and Spadafora are involved in the election. The only municipality up for election in the province of Syracuse is Pachino. In the province of Trapani, Castelvetrano, Mazara del Vallo, Salaparuta, and Salemi are the municipalities involved. No municipalities are up for election in the provinces of Enna and Ragusa.
In Sicilia 37 Comuni al voto, riflettori accesi su Caltanissetta
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