Dry fishing boats in Lampedusa, diesel is needed for the patrol boats.

The problems for the fishermen of Lampedusa continue. The president of the Co.Ge.Pa. Consortium of Lampedusa fishermen, Salvatore Martello, denounces the immobilization of fishing vessels for three days due to the lack of diesel fuel, which was used by the patrol boats. “We are at our limit,” Martello said. “Our fishermen will have to wait three days to be able to go back to sea and work, and this is because the patrol boats have run out of all the available diesel fuel we had on the island. Now, we have to wait for the tanks with fuel to arrive. I am curious to know when the Prefecture of Agrigento and the government bodies will decide to respect the population and the category of fishermen.”
Pescherecci di Lampedusa a secco, il gasolio serve per le motovedette
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