Corleone inaugurates immersive museum honoring anti-mafia memory

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The interactive and immersive installation created in Corleone by the company “Plesh” is inspired by the travel app “NOma – Places and Stories NOmafia”, created by the association “Sulle Nostre Gambe”. Inaugurated in the afternoon at Casa del Popolo, in via Bernardino Verro – the first socialist mayor of Corleone assassinated by the mafia in 1915, who founded the Unione Agricola cooperative in this building – it is a collection of stories and testimonies about mafia massacres.

Present were Maurizio Murciato, CEO and founder of Plesh, Tiziano Di Cara (among the founders of the association Sulle nostre gambe, along with Pif, Emanuela Giuliano, daughter of Boris, and Roberta Iannì, daughter of Carmelo), Lucenzo Tambuzzo, creator and artistic director and general of the iArt Fivas project and director of iWorld, Pif and Walter Rà, mayor of Corleone.

The permanent work is the immersive realization of the app in a large dark room. You are surrounded by three large interactive walls. Plesh and NOma have also created a museum room dedicated to the “Picciriddi”. From September 14, for 3 consecutive weekends, it will be possible to visit NOma within the framework of the Vie dei Tesori. “To keep alive the memory of the victims – says Murciato – we have chosen to create an immersive and interactive experience capable of transmitting emotions that awaken the responsibility of memory”.

“iArt NOma represents an important moment of the iArt Fivas project, because it emphasizes memory and the need for legality as moments of urban, social, economic and cultural regeneration of the entire territory of Ficuzza and the Valley of Sosio,” says Tambuzzo.

“For too long the name of Corleone has been associated with the mafia, with a negative connotation that has indelibly marked the image of this city. One of our duties, as administrators and as citizens, is to try to erase this unjust stereotype,” notes Mayor Walter Rà.

The initiative of the iArt NOma installation – Places and Stories NOmafia is part of the iArt Fivas project which involved 32 mural artists from 9 countries between May and June. Regarding street art, murals have been created in the 8 municipalities involved in the project: Bisacquino (lead municipality), Campofiorito, Chiusa Sclafani, Corleone, Mezzojuso, Palazzo Adriano, Prizzi and Roccamena.

The works depict identity elements of the places, are inspired by scenes from important films (“Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” by Giuseppe Tornatore, “Happiness Has Arrived”, “It Happened One Night”, “Lost Horizon” by Frank Capra), or portray internationally famous actors.

Corleone, inaugurato il museo immersivo della memoria antimafia

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