Controversy over reimbursements, rector of University of Messina resigns

Professor Salvatore Cuzzocrea is resigning as Rector of the University of Messina and, as a result, stepping down as president of CRUI, the Conference of Italian University Rectors. The resignations come after controversy surrounding reimbursement claims made by Cuzzocrea, totaling over €2.2 million between 2019 and 2023. In addition, allegations have been made regarding a company owned by Cuzzocrea and his wife, with payments totaling €122,300. Cuzzocrea states that he did not expect the attacks on the university and himself, and he is proud of the improvements made during his time as Rector. He hopes that the new leadership will continue to improve the university.

Le polemiche su rimborsi, si dimette il rettore dell’Università di Messina

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