Construction begins for sewage system in Via Tiro a Segno, Palermo

The Public Works department has awarded the works on the sewer network and, in particular, on the lifting station serving the building in via Tiro a Segno, for an amount of 200,000 euros. The lifting plant, designed to allow the disposal of sewage, had ceased full functionality between 2020 and 2021, causing serious hygienic and environmental emergencies that had not been addressed. In December 2023, the municipal administration approved and financed (with funds allocated by the City Council in the adjustment plan) the project for the revision of the plant and the construction of a new internal network, prepared by Amap. “Tomorrow the work will start, finally allowing to restore the necessary living conditions to the numerous families who have been living with the emergency for years,” commented the mayor and the councilor for Public Works Salvatore Orlando. “A battle for civilization conducted since my appointment for all citizens living in an area that has always been neglected and in need of care and attention, as well as respect and constant presence,” commented the Fratelli d’Italia councilor Teresa Leto. She also thanked the honorable Carolina Varchi for this important result, the result of work started during her tenure as budget councilor.

Palermo, partono i lavori per l’impianto fognario di Via Tiro a Segno

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