Competition in Asp di Ragusa to select 85 medical executives

Following the resolution of March 8th, the Local Health Authority of Ragusa has announced a public competition for titles and exams to cover 85 positions of medical manager, on a permanent basis, in the following disciplines: 4 General Surgery, 6 Orthopedics and Traumatology, 1 Vascular Surgery, 2 Geriatrics, 1 Otorhinolaryngology, 5 Urology, 20 Emergency Medicine, 1 Radiotherapy, 2 Infectious Diseases, 22 Anesthesia and Intensive Care, 1 Transfusion Medicine, 1 Medical Genetics, 1 Child Neuropsychiatry, 2 Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, 4 Food Hygiene and Nutrition, 1 Occupational Medicine and workplace safety, 5 Basic Health Services Organization, 6 Psychiatry. The publication of the announcement in the Official Gazette of the Region and, in an extract, in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, officially initiates the recruitment procedures. It will be possible to submit applications by June 2nd, 2024. All the information and requirements for participation can be found on the company’s website, at the address
Asp di Ragusa, concorso per selezionare 85 dirigenti medici
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