Child removed from foster family, procession in Catania after collecting signatures

Over 38,000 signatures have been collected for an online petition on the platform titled “Let Miele stay with his mom and dad,” launched by parents who have been caring for a baby abandoned in November 2020 in Ragusa. After a ruling by the Court of Appeals for Minors in Catania ordered the baby to be returned to his biological mother, a peaceful march for Miele is scheduled for December 2nd in Catania. The organizers emphasize that the manifestation is peaceful and dissociate themselves from any form of violence, and no political party or association symbols are allowed. The baby’s biological father was found guilty of child abandonment, while the mother is awaiting trial. The woman claims she did not intend to abandon the child but had entrusted him to the father to take him to a hospital.

Il bambino tolto alla famiglia affidataria, dopo la raccolta firme, il corteo a Catania

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