Chemotherapy suspended in Ragusa, Asp responds: “Treatment still being delivered”

The general director of the Asp of Ragusa says that chemotherapy treatments at the Oncology Day Hospital of the Maria Paternò Arezzo hospital are regularly provided. The Asp informs that “last Thursday, 17th October, due to technical problems, it was not possible to carry out the activity of preparing anticancer drugs in the Anticancer Drug Unit belonging to the hospital pharmacy, and therefore, the administration activity was rescheduled. To date, all chemotherapy cycles have been recovered”.
In relation to the increasing demand from patients who turn to the oncology center of Ragusa to receive treatments, the Strategic Directorate communicates that “starting from 1st November, two additional nursing units will be progressively allocated to Ufa in order to strengthen the preparation activity of chemotherapy drugs and, consequently, the activities of Day Hospital/Day Service and ordinary hospitalization of the Oncology ward”.
Chemioterapia sospesa a Ragusa, risponde l’Asp: «Le cure sono regolarmente erogate»
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