Car burned in Alcamo, three locals reported: one caught with gas can and incriminated by video
In Alcamo, the carabinieri have reported three individuals from Partinico, aged 32, 37, and 17, for the crime of vandalism followed by arson. The military, alerted by the firefighters to a Fiat Punto on fire, first encountered and stopped the thirty-two-year-old, who was running with a gas can in hand towards a parked vehicle nearby, with the other two individuals inside. The thirty-two-year-old had a lighter with him and the gas can still contained traces of gasoline. Surveillance footage in the area confirmed his responsibility: it reportedly showed him setting fire to the car.
Auto bruciata ad Alcamo, denunciati tre partinicesi: uno beccato con la tanica in mano e incastrato da un video
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