Capaci Massacre: Students to March Towards the Falcone Tree on March 23
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On Thursday, May 23rd, thousands of students, young people, and workers will march through the streets of the historic center of Palermo, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Capaci massacre. The demonstration will start at 3 pm from the Law faculty to conclude just before the moment of silence, scheduled for 5:58 pm. The rally is organized by the Rutelli collective, the Regina Margherita union, the Kiyohara-Parlatore union, the Fa.Se Cannizzaro student group, and the Vittorio Emanuele II collective.
“We – – say the students of the collective – were not even born on May 23, 1992. However, as children of this city, we feel the need to keep alive the memory of judges Giovanni Falcone and Francesca Morvillo, agents Rocco Dicillo, Vito Schifani and Antonio Montinaro, to cultivate their commitment and that of all those who have fallen in the fight against the mafia, actively participate in the liberation from the latter, which, unlike what we are told today, is still far away. We can only do so in the most genuine way possible, far from the catwalks and complicity with institutional hypocrisies and silences. Thirty-two years after the explosion that devastated the highway connecting Palermo to Mazara del Vallo, there are still many question marks and gray areas, far from the full truth and justice.”
For the students’ collective, “the fight against the mafia takes on a commitment to a true democracy that has come to terms with its skeletons in the closet.” “One cannot be anti-mafia and at the same time hand in hand with those who have favored the mafia. Those who do so on May 23 should have the decency to stay away from the Falcone tree. Imposed silences and batons will not stop our voice and our thirst for justice. This year too, we will continue to shout ‘Get the mafia out of the State’.”
Strage di Capaci, così gli studenti il 23 marceranno verso l’Albero Falcone
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