Capaci Massacre: Piantedosi and Pisani pay tribute with two murals at Lungaro Barracks

In brief, the article explains that Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Police Chief Vittorio Pisani laid a wreath at the police escort unit at the Lungaro barracks in Palermo. They then moved to the nearby Mobile unit to inaugurate two murals depicting judges Falcone, Morvillo, and Borsellino with the escort agents who died in the massacres of Capaci and via D’Amelio. The murals were created by students from the artistic choirs “Ragusa” and “Otama Kyoara” in Palermo. Also present were Prosecutor Maurizio de Lucia, Anti-Mafia Commission President Chiara Colosimo, Prefect Massimo Pisani, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, Questore Maurizio Vito Calvino, and Matteo Frasca, President of the Court of Appeal.

Strage di Capaci, l’omaggio di Piantedosi e Pisani alla caserma Lungaro: inaugurati due murales

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