Caltanissetta leads in runoff elections: Tesauro

When almost half of the sections (26 out of 56) in Caltanissetta have been scrutinized in the runoff election for mayor, center-right candidate Walter Tesauro is in the lead with 55,35% over center-left candidate Annalisa Petitto with 44,65%. In the capital city, outgoing mayor Roberto Gambino of the M5s, who came in third in the first round, decided not to support either of the two candidates.

In Gela, a town of 75,000 inhabitants in the province of Caltanissetta, the center-left candidate is heading towards victory. According to the City’s website, with only nine sections out of 71 left to be scrutinized, Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano has obtained 11,863 votes, equal to 61,74% of the preferences, while center-right candidate Grazia Rita Cosentino has obtained 7,353 votes, equal to 38,26% of the preferences.

Ballottaggi, a Caltanissetta in vantaggio Tesauro

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